Hello, morning people. We’re up, it’s dark, there’s coffee and cats. What i’m saying is, this is a typical morning. Pippin is staring out the window, watching whatever it is that she can see. Judging by the sounds of it, Chaucer is bulldozing all of the litter to one corner of his box.

I skipped the streaming yesterday and stuck to Just Dance instead. I’ve started branching out a bit more and not sticking exclusively to the easy and/or familiar songs. I warmed up with some familiar stuff when I started. Then, I moved on and did a few songs I hadn’t done before. After scoring badly with a song I thought I could do better on, I retried it 4 more times.
For the record, I really hate that fucking “A Whole New World” choreo/map. How is it that difficult scoring even a somewhat decent score when I’m sitting on my floor pretending to be on a magic carpet? Why? WHY??!?
I played for a while after lunch as well. This time, I selected songs I’ve struggled with to see if I could improve anything. I earn decent scores on some songs, but still struggle with certain combos in them. One of the things I struggle with is figuring out how the coaches are moving their arms. The game design makes depth perception difficult for me. I have trouble telling if their hands are moving forward or not. I only discovered this was an issue when I stumbled upon a TikTok clip of someone dancing to a slightly familiar song. I’d recognized the song before I realized she was doing the same choreo from the game. However, this time I could see how her arms were actually moving.
We’re making the jaunt out to Slightly BiggerTown today for some groceries. If we time our shit right, we’ll get home around lunchtime. Shawshank‘s putting the list together, so I guess I should do my part and get ready.