

Welcome to Friday, AKA day 4 of Mal meowing at the dining room table for no fucking reason at all. He does this now and then. We’ve never figured out why. Regardless, it’s Friday. The weekend is pretty much here. In a few shorts hours, I could even call it pre-weekend.

The oil pressure indicator popped on for about 3 seconds while I was on my way home last night. Literally came on and went right back off. I’ve got a little while before I can call the garage up the street and see if they can fit me in for an oil change in this morning. I’ll have them take a look and make sure things look good for two road trips. I had planned to have it done before I left for the South anyway.

So aside from that little hiccup, yesterday went ok. StressedRPh spent part of the afternoon calling some of the other locations in our area. Since I don’t have a set departure date – yet – her big priority is coverage for DayTech‘s time off right after Christmas. We did talk about my potential timeline. The agent says inventory in the area is pretty low and things are definitely selling within a matter of weeks. Typically it’s about 30-45 days to close after that. I need to make sure that I won’t lose my vacation hours if I’m here after the new year. Thinking about it now, I’m fairly certain that I’ll end up fucked if I don’t leave before the new year.

So that settles one thing, anyway.

Tonight and tomorrow will be filled with last minute cleaning and tidying up. I’m trying to work out a sort of “itinerary” of how to best take take the pictures. Like, take as much stuff out of one room before she comes, and that’s the first room she shoots. Pull things from another room into the first room, take pictures, etc. I’d like to do as much as I can tonight. As much as I’d like to be able to do everything tomorrow morning, I want to be prepared in case NewTech calls out again. I already told StressedRPh I’d cover if needed, I need the money. I’d need to leave at 1pm for the pictures, but would go back to the pharmacy if she needed me.

Ok. Let’s get Friday started. The quicker I get through it, the quicker the weekend is actually here. Have a good one, my friends.


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