playing with my balls in the yard

playing with my balls in the yard

Good morning, my little toaster strudels. I hope you all are getting as glorious of a sunrise as we’re getting over here. The skies here are endlessly fascinating. They never stop changing and they change so quickly. This morning’s sky wasn’t very colorful when I first looked, but had completely transformed in the time it took to scoop a cat box.

As you can see, we had some frost overnight. The first half of yesterday was a bit miserable, gray and breezy. We had some snow in the morning. By afternoon, the coating of snow had melted away, and the walkway was clear again; the wind died down by dinner.

Shawshank suggested a sort of “dress rehearsal” for this weekend. This made sense, considering he came home from work to find me in clown makeup. After dinner (and face clean), I put on four layers of clothes while he did the dishes. By the time I dressed, he’d finished things and I was putting on my boots.
Total layers:

  • Upper body: 4
  • Lower body: 3

Things were a little cold when I first got outside, but I felt much more comfortable once I was moving.

They told me it’s a “carn-evil”/dark carnival theme. My mother’s response to my makeup was “that’s dark, I hope there’s no kids”. I know there’s a Harley Quinn-themed room in the haunted house, so I don’t feel too bad just looking like a homeless Juggalo.

Test Successful

I think we stayed out for about half an hour before I decided I was feeling good about what I had built the costume out of. Between all the layers, and the hat and gloves, I was pretty comfortable. The only part of me noticeably cold was around mid-thigh, where the legwarmers don’t reach. I might grab some disposable hot pads to keep on me as well.

Shawshank was in charge of shooting video and pics last night, and will probably do the same over the weekend. He’s also going to swap out my bluetooth speakers when the battery runs low. He suggested I make a playlist of carnival music. I’ve got the beginnings of something that’s a lot less like my normal playlist, and a lot more of the “traditional” stuff you’d encounter with LED flow. I’ll probably add a little more to the playlist while I have my morning “bake up and makeup” ritual.


dress rehearsal: cold weather testing the costume for a haunted house gig this weekend, where I’ll be spinning outdoors both nights #blooper #flowarts #poi #ledpoi #flowartscommunity

♬ son original – 𝙈𝙄𝙂𝙃𝙏𝙔 𝙎𝙋𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙏𝙕

At one pointwhile I was spinning, Shawshank brought out my pixel poi – the “sticks”. They look more flame-like and we were trying to get a fireball look. I haven’t really used them since Spring, because I preferred the weight of the podpoi I brought back from Canada. When I bought the new poi over the summer, I pretty much stopped using anything else.

Now? I can’t use the sticks without feeling like an utter newb. They feel incredibly light compared to my other sets. I could look into ways to add some weight to them and see if I can enjoy them again in the future. Barring that, I could always sell the pixel heads. I would keep the capsule handles and have them converted to another set of what I’m using.

I don’t have much planned for today. The Roomba is doing its thing, and the cats are asleep. I planned to do another makeup experiment today because I wasn’t super happy with how my mouth turned out. Shawshank had a better idea. With Friday being the haunted house gig, we’ve moved date night up to tonight. This will leave plenty of time between Shawshank getting home and us having dinner tomorrow and heading to the bar.

More importantly, switching date night allows me to gorge a tasty burger without worrying that I’ll have a mid-spin bathroom emergency. This would be the very last thing I want to happen while wearing multiple layers needing to be fully removed before I can even pull my pants down.


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