Hello, people. Happy Sunday. If you expelled a being from your vagina and it’s your thing, then happy Mother’s Day. The clouds and rain that contributed to me behaving like a completely cunty bitch over the last few days have finally blown out of the area. This morning is hella sunny. Chaucer has been enjoying a sunbeam in the doorway.

We played more Tears of The Kingdom yesterday. Shawshank took the first “shift”, before lunch. I took the second shift, and played while he cooked us some sausages. I played Breath of The Wild like it was Climbing Simulator 9000, and it took me forever to get it through my thick skull that I can’t fucking do that (yet). I finally got out of the starting area, then made us dinner.
Shawshank, being the sketchy dude he is, slyly looked up whether the secondhand shop BiggerTown (not to be confused with Slightly BiggerTown, in a completely different direction) was open. As it turned out, they were. I finished whatever I was trying to accomplish in the game, then put on real clothes.
The drive out was nice. It was still rainy, but the overall weather was not as bad as it’s been lately. I love the secondhand shop in that town, it’s full of all sorts of treasures. The last time we went, Shawshank was trying very hard to convince me I needed leather chaps, but they were made for a very large person, larger than I’ve ever been. That was before Halloween, and those chaps are still there. Additionally, a second pair has been donated since then. Those may have actually fit me, but I’m absolutely unwilling to pay $40 for them. Instead, I found two fitted sheets to turn into genie pants. The first one I found was a bright red satin, plain but positively whoreish. The second sheet is printed with Avengers comics. Shawshank found a shirt for himself.
I converted the Avengers sheet after dinner. They took longer than the Disney princess pants I made last week; the material is prone to fraying and I wanted to double-fold the seams to keep them neat. Not only that, but it wrinkles up if you look at it wrong, so I made good use of the iron as well. I think I worked on the pants for at least three hours while Shawshank played Tears of The Kingdom. I finished them just after we had our late night snacks.
Unfortunately, I fucked them up a little in my excitement to be a funky genie. I need to cut off the waistband today and install a new one, because I didn’t measure the elastic correctly (ie. at all) before I sewed it into the pants. At the moment, they fit, but they fit dangerously. I might be able to get away with wearing them with some leggings and tucking in a shirt, adding a little more bulk on my waistline, more friction on my hips. I certainly wouldn’t trust my flat ass to hold them up.
Shawshank has the laundry running, and I texted my mom and wished her a happy mother’s day. Later, we’re going to Shady Acres for dinner. We have a plant to bring over. I’m going to assume a human form and fix some pants.