

Yesterday wasn’t a bad day. I did a lot of dishes, and it’s nice to have space on the counter again. I filled two big bags with trash from The Pink Room and the big upstairs bedroom. Other than the bed, the only furniture upstairs is a large dresser and two end tables. I emptied everything out, not that there was that much left in either of them at this point.

In the closet, I found a stash of Lego instruction manuals, and what I think should be the very last of my Linsner collection. I’ll put them up on eBay this week. However, everything else will be bagged and taken outside. There’s a few plastic storage cubes to bring downstairs as well.

I slept in a little this morning. It wasn’t too late – only about 8am. Both cats come up onto the bed as soon as they see me walking up. This morning, Mal headbutted me and meowed a bunch, as usual. Chaucer walked up to me and licked my boob. That was my queue to get out of bed.

I fed the boys, filled their water bowl, and put some workout clothes on. Then I plunked my ass on the couch for 45 minutes and did nothing. Eventually, I did a 45 minute workout. I wasn’t feeling it this morning. I didn’t want to go outside, because I know I’d end up with a sunburn because there’s barely a cloud in the sky. However, I powered through it. Shawshank congratulated me for finishing. He pointed out I’d feel bad if I didn’t do anything. I explained that feeling bad while I do something is much better than feeling bad for not doing something.

“Never feel bad for doing something good for you”, I told him.

On the opposite end of the spectrum of healthiness, Shawshank is baking a cake today.

Later today, I’ll go back upstairs with another bag and fill it with everything that’s been stashed behind the dresser for the last four years. Will we feel bad if we throw it out? It seems like the easiest solution for us was “stuff that stuff behind the dresser”. I also need to do some laundry, and clean the living room. You know, the usual “c’mon, it’s time to be an adult” bullshit I have to do every weekend.


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