over-broad, unduly burdensome, and irrelevant

over-broad, unduly burdensome, and irrelevant

Yo. It’s Friday. I’ve been up for a little while, but nothing really awful. Pippin and I snuggled in the bed for a little while, but eventually my body insisted I needed to leave the bed.

We survived our trip out yesterday, not that I had any doubts to begin with. Shawshank‘s eye exam was fast and painless, and the roads there and back were clear. Breath of the Wild and its DLC were on sale, and that became my birthday gift to myself. As much as I complained about how disappointed I was with the game when I first bought the Switch, I always regretted selling it. So far, I’m enjoying it more than previously. I don’t know if it’s the difference between playing it on the TV versus handheld mode, or if my style of game play has changed since my first attempt.

We enjoyed our trip out to Slightly BiggerTown and all of its little places to stop. I like finding weird shit in the discount stores. In addition to all the Stephen King books, we bought the banana chocolate. They’re not too bad. Would I buy them again? Probably not.

Today is Friday. I’m going to get some clothes on, put on some makeup, and be a person. We’re going out for our regular Friday dinner. I’m going to play my game for a bit, maybe get naked in the tub, and watch the trial.


  1. You’re the first person I have heard of not loving bOTW … I hope you enjoy it this time. One thing I love about it is just how big and long it can be- I hate games that are done in 10 hours. If you want to, this game can take ages, and I like
    It…. Lol

    • crystal

      The size of the world and the length of the game was what drew me to it in the first place, and what made me want to try it again. I went into it after years and years of playing Skyrim, running around doing side quests and exploring. Any time I looked for or asked for recommendations for open world RPG/adventure games, BOTW is at the top of all the lists. I wanted to like it, I really did. I couldn’t get past the breaking weapons and the insanity of button combinations the game wanted me to remember (just because we can use all the buttons doesn’t mean we should, Nintendo). I’m going into it this time and playing it like I play Assassin’s Creed – just hiding and killing shit through sabotage.

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