

Greetings and salutations, to all people who live in my computer. Happy Saturday. The sun is up, I know this because it blinded me when I walked into the kitchen this morning. Chaucer is cuddled up close. Pippin is in a sunbeam, soaking it up from her little table in the doorway. She’s enjoying it while she can. Shawshank figures another month or so and we’ll be keeping the back door closed.

As planned, yesterday involved some pantscrafting. I did a little bit of work on a pair for the shop, pinning in the waistband. That’s not a lot of work. To be honest, I wasn’t feeling them yesterday. However, I did finish the fleecy commissioned pants. They turned out very cute. I briefly tried them on and decided that yep, I want need fluffy genie pants. We left them with the restaurant’s cook, who had $15 waiting for me from the owner. I’m trying to keep my mindset to “of course she liked them”. I know I’ll hear either way, eventually.

Aside from that, I didn’t do much of anything. I uploaded some stuff to Onlyfans, but only enough for two posts. Compared to Fansly, OF’s interface sucks, especially on mobile. It’s ridiculously clunky.

We spent a couple of hours in the dark last night. The power went out. According to the power company’s map, we were smack-dab in the center of an outage that extended about an hour in all directions. We were outside smoking when everything went dark, and didn’t notice it went out until Shawshank went into the house for something. We stayed on the steps for a bit longer, smoking in the twilight. I lit a few poi when we went back inside, and we watched Youtube shorts for a couple of hours. The power came back an hour or so before our typical bedtime, saving the remainder of the nightly routine.

Shawshank works this morning. I have the morning to myself to assume a human form before we go shopping.


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