I didn’t set the alarm this morning and slept until 7am. Right now, I’m drinking a coffee, and it’s delicious. It’s supposed to be a rainy day, and we should see some heavy rainfall later. There’s a possibility of thunderstorms, but I won’t count on it.
I’ve assembled the new cat carrier, super easy. Chaucer has two carriers to glare at now. That is, when he’s not glaring at me.

Honestly, I want to buy a second one because it’s soooooo much nicer than the one I already had. It’s roomier than the first one, and I think would be more comfortable for them to travel in. However, no amount of catnip will lure Chaucer into it on his own. On the other hand, Mal goes from one to the other, with all the the catnip to himself. Once they’ve been to the vet and vaccinated, I’ll look into ordering a second one; it wasn’t super expensive.
DayTech and I were talking yesterday about what will happen when I leave. Not to toot my own horn, but StressedRPh will be fucking lost without me. The biggest problem she’ll have is if she has techs from other locations cover my shifts while she hires and trains someone.
Even before all the system changes we dealt with last year, StressedRPh has had issues in the past with fill-in techs. Every store has their own little quirks about they way they do things, whether they may file a drug in a different place or have a different workflow process. StressedRPh always ends up annoyed at fill-ins because she constantly assumes every store does things exactly the same way we do. We’ve actually had fill-in techs ask which pharmacist they’ll be working with before agreeing to cover a shift at our store.
My last round of eBay auctions are good. Someone bid on the most expensive of the doorstops overnight, which makes me super happy. A bidding war broke out on another one yesterday morning. Surprisingly, it was the doorstop I was most worried about; eBay recently enacted rules that prevented me from listing it with its actual model name. I was worried it wouldn’t have many views. I’ve got a couple of action figures to list on eBay this weekend, and some furniture to take pics of for Facebook.
This weekend, I need to bleach/dye my hair. That will be the highlight of the weekend. Aside from that, I might go out and grab some stuff for dinner, since I need milk and butter for the Kraft Dinner. Tomorrow, the usual Sunday workout, and laundry. Maintenance for me and my meager household.
The rest of the weekend will be making more headway on the house. I need to pull things out of the other rooms and make some decisions about whether some things are worth the bother to try and sell. For the most part, I’m at a point where I simply want everything gone. Money would be nice, but an empty, sold house would be even better.