On the Road Again

On the Road Again

Morning, internet people. It’s Friday, and we’ll be on the road in a couple of hours. Brian says it’s going to be about 6 hours. I expect 7-8, because nothing ever goes as planned. His mother came over yesterday afternoon and got the rundown on the intricacies of cat food and litter boxes. Regardless of our instructions – probiotics in my cats’ dishes, add litter to Chaucer and Knickknack’s box, don’t add any to Mal‘s – I expect to come back on Monday to at least two piles of bodily fluids.

Fortunately, we’ll only be gone until Monday. I won’t lie and say I’m not worried about my boys. I haven’t left them alone since THAT DAY, when my uncle took me in for a few days. The circumstances are different this time. However, I’m not entirely certain “they didn’t come back” is any better for them mentally than “a bunch of guys with stompy boots busted in and tore apart the house and WE WERE SO SCARED WE HID FOR A WEEK”.

I spent most of yesterday playing Skyrim and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Skyrim is like falling into a comfy bed: familiar and cozy. It’s been so long since I first started playing it on our PS3. Everything’s new again. To be fair, I never even finished the main quest line. I came close, but I didn’t want things to end.

I can finally do fun kill-cam videos.

Breath of the Wild is beautiful. I didn’t think anything I’ve played would be as gorgeous as Skyrim, and I love every bit of its mountains and swamps and caves. Breath of the Wild is pretty in a completely different way

but it’s pure stress for me at times. I had fun explaining to my mom the difference in the two games, and how they handle chickens. “In one game, if I mess with a chicken, I can have an entire city’s guards after me. In the other, I can pick up a chicken and just hurl that bitch, and they’ll make a damned game out of it”.

1 Comment

  1. John H

    I’d never heard of Breath of the Wild before. That does look pretty cool. Hope your trip is entertaining for you and the cats behave. ha!

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