oddly specific approximations

oddly specific approximations

Yet another Monday is upon us. I have some sunshine and coffee, as usual. According to the forecast for the week, we can expect some typical Florida spring weather. This would be considered late spring/early summer in New England, except with a daily thunderstorm risk.

I had an ok sleep, waking up around dark-o’clock, a little later than I normally wake up. I must have woken up at some point before that – probably at my normal time – because I found my headphones placed in a weird spot on another pillow. There was a bit of a panic attack last night when Shawshank wasn’t replying to any of my texts*, and maybe it messed up my sleep a little more than I thought. Regardless, I’m sort of functioning at the moment.

Chaucer is walking around the house, merping as he goes between my bedroom, the kitchen, and the mudroom. He makes me think he’s searching for something. In reality, he probably quietly puked somewhere.

I know how it feels, big guy.

I believe I’ve applied to every dispensary in the area. The ones I can see on Indeed all have at least 60-70+ applicants. One says “approximately 106-110” applicants which is oddly specific.

If the sun stays out today, and if it warms up to a nice level, I might go outside for a little while. Another option is going through my dresser and trying to figure out what I have that I never touch, because there’s a good amount of bullshit in there. I haven’t decided yet.

*Before anyone says I’m insane for panicking, he texted me to ask if I was ready for a call, I replied immediately, and then never got an call. Naturally, rather than assume something was up with the cell towers in Lower Bumfuck, I assumed he was either gravely injured and dying in his living room, or BAD SHIT went down, legally.


    • crystal

      It really does. We’re always told “if you ear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras”, but half the time what I’m imagining isn’t even vaguely equine.

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