
Good morning, world. It’s Sunday, with an early emphasis on the sun. I enjoyed some early morning kitty snuggles while I scrolled through social media. Now, the kitties are snuggled on their backdoor lookout table.

We had a good day while we were out and about yesterday. Mom and I texted, comparing weather. She had thunderstorms, while our weather was perfect for a drive. Shawshank and I grabbed groceries first, as usual. Sticking mostly to the list, we were in and out pretty quickly. I ran across the parking lot to the dollar store, followed by a short trip through the pharmacy. Shawshank ran into the dispo before we stopped for lunch, then we drove back home. The rest of the afternoon was spent gaming and reading. I played Monster Hunter: Rise, Shawshank tried to nap. We capped off the evening with ice cream and a movie.

We’re doing brunch this morning. For now, it’s coffee and an Olympics. Later, we’ll go out to Shady Acres for dinner.


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