Nothing is Smooth

Nothing is Smooth

Happy Tuesday! It’s payday! Normally, I’d be talking about how I just received my last paycheck check for the lump of my banked vacation time. Since that’s not what I’m excitedly posting about, obviously something got fucked up.

Because of course it did.

DayTech messaged me and BossRPh last week. We got a $2/hour raise, she told us. We asked her if it had anything to do with minimum wage increasing. She said she didn’t give a shit why, as long as it was in her paycheck this week. Over the weekend, I logged into the system to figure out if I could download my W2 form and maybe do the taxes. No form yet. I didn’t even wonder why it was that I could still log into the system.

However, Shawshank‘s W2 came in yesterday, and I logged into the work system again to see if I could access it. I poked around the payroll system and found last year’s form, then I looked at the last pay stub on file for me. I had hope that I could get a preview of the final check, when something in my brain snapped and questioned why I could log in. As it turned out, I was still listed as an active employee.

That’s about when I freaked out.

The entire point of leaving on new year’s eve was so that I wouldn’t lose any of my banked time off. I texted DayTech and StressedRPh and asked them to have the manager actually deactivate me so I could have my money. StressedRPh asked if I wanted to reconsider coming back for a few shifts. I told her not a chance. I didn’t tell her I wouldn’t pass the drug test. Fortunately, I didn’t lose any of the time off I’d earned. I still have 193 hours banked.

Oh, and I got a raise.


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