not hoarding

not hoarding

Hello, Friday. The day is dawning, sunny and cool. Not melty, unfortunately. Rather, it’s not super melty. There’s still snow, but every day there’s a just little bit less of it. I’ve been awake since before the alarm, but I’m in currently going through a IGNORE EVERYTHING phase. I just laid there, hoping to magically transform into a mattress lump.

I dealt with some fabrics yesterday. I didn’t start anything new, not really anyway. Some space opened up in one of the closets, and I rearranged the shit that lives in there. Right now, most of the shit is Etsy inventory. I still haven’t packed up any of it like I said I would. In addition to the shop stock, there’s several uncut pieces of heavier bedding, like flannel and fleece. While the closet is still a bit of a jumble, it’s not quite as bad as it started. Not only that, but I threw out an experimental cutting, not even keeping the fabric for something else.

See? I’m not a hoarder.

Typically, tonight would be Date Night. Unfortunately, Shawshank has a closing shift, so it’ll be ✨girl dinner✨ for me. Aside from the daily Just Dance session, I’m debating about whether to let things get weird on TikTok, or deal with the pants pile.


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