No Pot To Piss In

No Pot To Piss In

Good morning, my lovelies. ☕

Today is Wednesday. I’m scheduled to go in early, with the other day tech coming in at noon and NewTech in for the afternoon. As far as I know, this will also be day 3 without a working toilet at work, because my company is fucking ridiculous.

Got a totally out-of-the-blue message from my highschool boyfriend last night. Hearing from him was… interesting. We’d been together all through highschool, but split a few months after my graduation because I was “away” at college and he was still at home finishing highschool. We briefly hooked up again after his graduation, but he ghosted on me. We’d last spoken just after his mom’s passing. I looked him up on Facebook probably 10 or so years ago and added him as a friend just to creep on him and see what was up, but ended up blocked, I think it was after I wished him a happy birthday one year. I assumed his wife ran his profile and blocked me, and got on with my life. But it was nice to hear from him after all this time, and made for interesting conversation during dinner prep in my house while quasihusband asked questions about him.

For now, however, I need to go to work.

But first, I need to use the bathroom while I can. Have a good day, folks. 😁


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