Some day, I’m going to sleep until 9am, and Shawshank will be utterly convinced I’ve died overnight. Today was not one of those days.
I woke up and I was awake. There was no going back. I adjusted the mask and its volume and tried to find sleep. After what felt like fucking forever, I eventually rolled over and looked at the clock: just after 5am.

I think I managed a small nap, but only after restlessly laying there for a while. Wedged between Chaucer and Shawshank, I was too warm. I tried to stick it out, but overheated and crawled out of bed.
All of this is incredibly frustrating, especially considering I stayed up last night. Aside from nodding off once or twice during an episode of Rizzolli and Isles, I wasn’t really struggling to remain upright. In fact, we were watching Dateline right up until Shawshank noticed we’d passed the regular bedtime.
I spent most of yesterday on the Switch. I started off playing Hollow Knight for a while, but stopped after an hour. When the game stops being fun, I put it down. I switched over to Inside for a while instead, which I bought last year and never played. I’m enjoying it much more than Hollow Knight. Our second set of joy-cons came in last week, and I’m keeping my eye on game sales.
Shawshank‘s working today. We’re heading out to Slightly BiggerTown to buy some groceries after work, so I have to put real clothes on. Bleh. I’m so tired of pants.