No fun in the forecast

No fun in the forecast

More rain. The forecast is planning for a few more days of it before the sun comes back. They’re calling for thunderstorms today.

We didn’t go out yesterday. I literally played video games all day. At first, I played “Breath of the Wild”. However, while I love the game’s puzzles and landscape, I really hate the combat system. I made it through about 90 minutes before I got frustrated and switched back to Skyrim. It’s the video game version of comfort food to me.

My sister called last night. My brother-in-law was hit while on his motorcycle yesterday. He’s been riding since childhood and used that experience and did everything he could to get out of a bad situation. He walked away with a badly bruised ankle. The bike will get looked over this week, but seems to be in decent shape. However, he knows it was a matter of inches and it would’ve been an entirely different outcome. My sister said she probably won’t ever get on the bike again. She loves it, but she watched a friend die in a crash when they were younger. This wasn’t a serious crash, but I think it’s just too close for her comfort.

Since it’s Sunday, I believe we’ll be going to Brian’s parents’ house for dinner. At least I don’t need to worry about packing a bathing suit. With thunderstorms on the menu, no one will be using the pool.


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