no fool

no fool

Yo. It’s Monday. The sun is coming up, and we should see some melting happening today, according to my phone’s weather alerts. I woke up just before Shawshank‘s alarm went off, which I guess counts as a full night’s sleep. Five-ish hours seems to be about my limit these days. We joked about me sleeping in until 8am. If I didn’t reply to Shawshank‘s good morning texts in some way by 8am, I think he’d send someone to make sure I was still alive.

We did most of the usual stuff yesterday. Shawshank made us brunch, then played Breath of The Wild for a while. Later, we went over to Shady Acres for dinner. We moved a dresser out of the basement for his mom. I think this dresser was the kind used to stash any clothes and random items without a regular place of their own. Honestly, I doubt anything in the drawers had been touched since before they moved out of the NWT.

Today, we’re going out to BiggerTown. Shawshank‘s going to pick up his mom’s truck after work so we can drive safely. His grandmother has a birthday this week, and BiggerTown has a flower shop.

And a thrift shop.

Let’s get the day stared.


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