New day, new week, new job?

New day, new week, new job?

We had a normal Sunday. Shawshank played some Divinity in the morning. He rolled a new toon to try. I can tell he’s taking this one a bit more seriously, as he’s named him. After getting through the tutorial level again and picking up some new party members, he made us leftover pizza for lunch. I ate extra slices. I took my chance to play for the hour or so between lunch and leaving the house.

Later in the afternoon, we went over to Shady Acres for dinner. Shawshank gave me a warning the night before, she’s making chicken wings for dinner. I am not a fan of eating meat off the bone, so I made lunch the bigger meal. Since I’d been warned (and prepped with extra pizza) I politely ate 4 little wings and focused on the mashed potatoes.

Shawshank started a new job this morning. I haven’t written much about this new development. It’s not my story to tell, and there isn’t much of a story anyway. His boss made the decision to close down her brick and mortar location at the end of the year and focus on the design part of her business. She expected him to stick around until the very end. Instead, he started looking for something new as soon as she made the news public. It’s not like there’s a lot of job opportunities in town. While she was offering a severance package of sorts*, he didn’t want to waste any time trying to find something. Job openings that are here now might not be here in January.

There’s a gas station “close enough” to town, and they hired him pretty much immediately after he dropped off the application and his resume. She didn’t take the news very well, and the last 2-3 weeks of shifts were tense for him. He specifically took last week off to mentally decompress. He’s taking a little bit of a pay cut in terms of hourly rate, but he’ll have more hours overall.

So now, I’m alone in the Flat and it feels weird. The alarms went off at 4:30am. I watched Shawshank move around the house in semi-darkness, until I heard him making coffee. At that point, I moved the blankets to block whatever light he was using, then fell asleep. I heard him tell me he loved me – probably when he left – then “sort of” slept until 6:30ish.

He’ll be home after lunch. Right now, it’s snowing a little. Since the sun has finally risen enough for there to be light, I can assume a human form and start figuring out what to do with myself.

* In my opinion, she was probably over-promising what she’d actually give him.

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