mysterious fatass daytime owls

mysterious fatass daytime owls

Hello, Monday. We’re awake, and the skies are gray and carry the look of the snow they’re threatening to drop over the next two days. Chaucer is on Shawshank‘s legs, and Pippin is doing Pippin things. I have coffee.

We enjoyed our mini-sloth day yesterday. The temperatures are finally reaching a point where I’m not hiding under multiple layers of thick blankets and clothes. Pippin’s been enjoying her time in the sunshine by the back doorway.

We’ve been hearing a large bird in the pine tree outside the back door. It’s been living in the tree since at least last summer. We’ve never seen it, but that sucker is loud and makes a very ooooOOOOoo-sound. I’ve been trying to spot this “mystery owl” since my arrival. I was close on Saturday – I could hear it above me in the tree, but it stopped as soon as I was directly underneath. At the same time, I know owls are nocturnal, so it’s pretty weird to hear them while we’re still finishing morning coffee. I considered downloading one of those birdsong identification apps, but I didn’t need to. Yesterday, the mystery was solved.

So the owl is actually a pair of ringneck doves. They’re bigger and louder than the mourning doves and pigeons I’m used to.

They also come right for you when you’re under their tree.

Today is brunch and sloth day. Shawshank has some Youtube on, and Pippin is screaming at a closet again. We’ll probably play Breath of The Wild for the day, but who knows?


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