Good morning, world, we’re up. We both had rough nights. Shawshank went to bed two hours early because he smoked his face off too quickly. I went to bed a little before our regular bedtime, but had a lot of trouble falling asleep. This morning, I woke up around 6am, fighting to untangle myself from the bedding and sort out the issues with my sleep mask.
I spent yesterday doing the movement things, enjoying some spin time, and recording leviwand video. I’m still trying to figure out the best settings for recording clips of it in the dark. I’m sure it’s a matter of adjusting the wand’s brightness, and probably using the black light. In the meantime, between messing with the wand’s lighting options and a little post production, I can achieve some funky effects.
Aside from the flow arts, I finished at least one playlist on Just Dance. I did two of the newer songs, plus my daily curated list. The curated list is usually 8 songs I score decently on, and isn’t bad as a warm up. The new season starts this week, which means I can work on getting the seasonal rewards. Aside from the new songs, I’m forcing myself to do one of the super annoying maps at least once per session until I achieve a MEGASTAR rating, then I’ll never touch it again.
I’m having way too much fun with the game, and at some point I’m going to break down and get the 2023 version as well. I hope it goes on sale in the eshop at least one more time. Unfortunately, I don’t expect it will, and I’ll never be anywhere I’d find the physical copy. It is what it is, but the FOMO is strong.
We’re expecting snow this weekend. We’ve had a very mild winter, aside from two weeks of deep freeze. Shawshank predicted this a couple of weeks ago, saying he expected at least one more storm before winter officially gives up for the season.

Honestly, I couldn’t tell you what we’re actually going to see for snowfall accumulations. Every bit of tech we use to check has a different total. Shawshank‘s phone says one total, mine says another. The weather page with the least amount of bullshit on its screen gives entirely different numbers. We’ll see what we get, when we get it. In the long run, I won’t let it concern me, as there’s nothing to be done about it.
We’re not doing too much this weekend. Someone bought some pants from the Etsy shop, and I need to pull them out of the closet and pack them up. We’ll ship them out on Monday afternoon. My biggest weekend project is making a batch of waffles for brunches, and dying my hair.