My Man Smells like Drakkar

Oh baby can you hear me moan by ShawshankShawshank (

Let me tell you, I’ve read this more than any mere mortal should. I basically used the series as a “reset” from harder reads like House of Leaves, Foucault’s Pendulum, etc. But then you can’t just read one of the books to reset – you have to read them all.

What can I say about Bella and Edward? Wayward lovers? Predator and prey? Stalker and stalkee? A Romeo and Juliet for the new generation? Dreck? Waste of paper? Yes, all of the above, I’m sure.

You know, I’m trying to come up with a good comment to make you go read Shawshank‘s review of the Twilight Saga, but I just can’t.  Just go read it.  Consider it a palate cleanser after my whining.

1 Comment

  1. One could say that the Twilight Saga is the sequel to Wuthering Heights.

    I didn’t say it, but now that it’s been said….


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