Allo, allo. It’s Wednesday. Hoarfrost has bloomed on the front railings. I expect we’ll see some flakes today.
[the snowflakes begin]
Before I forget to brag, my hoarding tendencies extend to files as well as tangible bullshit, and I saved my WordPress plugin. When last I mentioned it, I borked something in the initial data entry screen. I had an idea of what happened- I listened to the robot when it told me to edit something that didn’t need to be touched. Thankfully, I have multiple versions of the plugin backed up. I copied the data entry function from the most recent working backup, and it’s working perfectly now. I can accurately say my highest performing hashtag is “naked”, with an average watch duration of 122%.

I went full glam for most of yesterday. Reviews were mixed when I streamed with this wig over the weekend. Unbothered, I chalked it up to a user error, of a sort. I just needed better makeup and lighting. The ring light made it look too shiny and obviously fake the other night.
However, when I did some proper makeup, I looked fucking amazing. The afternoon light was much better than my typical evening lighting. I revamped my streaming seat, and had a blast. The Foot Clan was pleased. I made fun of small men. Some dude spent 10 minutes lobbing thinly-veiled insults at me about my age and appearance, culminating with calling me a “gilf” like it was a slur. I looked right at the lens, and with my best Capt. Jack Sparrow attitude replied, “but you do want to, and that’s all that matters”.
I haven’t decided what I’ll do today. Streaming on TikTok is fun, because I get a steady amount of traffic and chatters, but I have to be very careful with what I say and do due to the moderation system. On the other hand, Clapper gets half the traffic, but is pretty much the Wild West in terms of content, and I can wear half the clothes. If I wanted to get really bawdy, I could load up a stream on Onlyfans, or figure out how to run one on Fansly.