We’re up, and it’s Friday. I woke up early again, but not nearly as early as yesterday. Pippin snuggled with my knee. Chaucer came up onto the bed once or twice. He deliberately knocked my inhaler onto the floor, then walked around us, probably hoping we’d get up and feed him breakfast. Neither of us gave in until the alarm went off.
It’s snowing again. The snowflake icon first showed up on the forecast a few days ago. Considering the same forecast included a 67°🦅 high temp next week, neither of us took it seriously. I don’t think we’re expecting too much. Shawshank pushed the dusting we’d already accumulated off the steps and patio. With the forecast the way it is, we don’t expect whatever falls today to stick around very long.

As planned, I spent the majority of yesterday in the gremlin sweatshop. I started with a stack of six items to go through the sewing machine. Pippin offered her assistance from my shoulder. When I moved back into the living room, she followed and sat on me while I pinned crotches. By that point, I didn’t want to go back to the sewing machine. Instead, I started poking through my scrap pile to find pieces with potential use as waistbands and cuffs. While I found one or two options with potential, I definitely need to look harder.
Since today is a holiday, Shawshank‘s work is running on shortened hours, so he has today off. We don’t have any specific plans. I’m sure we’ll do the typical things. I’ll apply way more makeup than I need, and get dressed as though we plan to leave, but we’re not going anywhere. Then I’ll spend half the day mindlessly scrolling through TikTok before I crash into an afternoon nap.