misbegotten knowledge

misbegotten knowledge

Happy Hump Day, ya’ll. It’s Wednesday. The sun is out, the skies are clear, and the day is new. One cat is in the front window, the other is in the doorway. I have coffee. Everyone is happy.

Yesterday was a typical Tuesday. Once I was dressed and human, I spent the morning doing Etsy work, packing up the sales. I checked over both pairs of pants for stray threads before packing them up in ziplock bags like bricks of cocaine. I even used some of my misbegotten NSFW knowledge to vacuum-seal them for size without either the special bags or a vacuum. When I finished, I sorted and folded some of the mess of fabric in the tote.

Shawshank worked until lunchtime, then came back home for the day. We ate liverwurst sandwiches and Doritos while Chaucer stared at us. After lunch, we took a walk to the post office and back because I needed to buy a packing envelope. I packed and addressed it, and we mailed it out on our way to the secondhand store.

The thrift shop gods saw fit to bless me with a pack of fleece sheets – both the top and fitted for $5. After prepping them, I have enough to make three pairs and offer as snuggly winter pants. Two pairs, if I’m being honest. I already made and totally kept one pair for myself. I’m wearing them right now, actually. To be fair, I probably wouldn’t have sold them anyway. I made these from the fitted sheet, which definitely had some wear on one end and weren’t nearly as fluffy and soft as the top sheet.

Shawshank is back to the regular full work shift today. I’m going to become human, that’s just a given. I’ll probably work on a pair of pants today. If the house warms up a little, I’m going to try to produce some smut.


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