Greetings and salutations, and happy Saturday. We’re up and about, cozy on the couch with cats and coffee.

I crafted yesterday. At some point last spring, I bought a long shirt with several layers of tulle. It was too long to wear without a serious heel, and a bit too small in the waist to be comfortable. I chopped the bottom three layers of the skirt apart and put them on an elastic waist, making a poofy little mini shirt. The waist is a little weird, but not enough that anyone will really notice. Later, while trying to figure out a way to disguise the wonky waist, I pulled just the lining inside out, turning it into a satin top skirt. Even better.
Since I looked cute, I streamed on both Clapper and TikTok. I pulled out the poi and had some proper spin time. I didn’t make any money, but it felt great to be spinning.
We’re under a snowfall warning today. I didn’t think anything much will happen until later, but the skies have that look. Thankfully, I don’t think it’ll be anything wild. Aside from cold, does “wild” winter weather exist here? In my 2+ years here, I’ve never heard anyone talk about winters like they did back home. No one reminisces about past storms up here.
Shawshank‘s working the closing shift, which means he’ll be dealing with more pre-storm craziness today. Since I’ve already got the sewing machine out and set up, I should probably finished the bloomers I started 2 months ago.