Greetings and bleatings, my friends. Today is Thursday, and we’ve concluded the major February holidays. I woke up while Shawshank was prepping for his departure. I may or may not have gone back to sleep. Regardless, I didn’t stay that way for long. Soon, I was awake and doing shit before the regular time. I laid in bed and scheduled about a week of smut posts. I started uploading a 2+ minute foot video before I remembered that now the phone is dedicated to doing this one thing and I’m stuck. If I leave the screen it resets the upload. I decided it would be more comfortable to do it seated, with coffee, and an extra screen.
Thus, here I sit.

Yesterday was a repeat of Tuesday, with a bit of flow, and a bit of Just Dance. Alas, Wednesday’s gaming wasn’t nearly as good as Tuesday’s. I picked a lot of new (to me) routines rather than going back to the stuff I’m better at. I planned to go back and do them, but instead danced more new routines I’m just bad at.
Also…. Fuck everything about “A Whole New World”. How can I be so fucking bad at a dance routine where I’m SITTING ON MY ASS??!?
I’m slowly getting the feel for how my new wand moves. Shawshank described it as “introducing ourselves”, which is oddly appropriate. It moves differently than my main wand, but isn’t that much heavier in comparison. It doesn’t have nearly the number of options for colors as my poi do, but it has enough. Eventually, I’ll write up a review of the new one and how it compares to the other two I have.
Today is Hump Day for Shawshank, and he’s picking up some overtime. My plans are simple:
- get dressed
- get streaming
I don’t know what I’ll stream, whether it’ll be flow or games or washing my makeup brushes. Whatever I do will keep me occupied enough to prevent a crash and/or nap in the afternoon. But first, clothes. And maybe more coffee.