Good morning, and happy Saturday. It’s a new month, new year. I could go back and rehash the same ra-ra-sis-boom-bah bullshit from prior years, but what good would it do, really? The last two years have sucked for everyone.
Looking back at the blog archives, it doesn’t look like I was all that enthusiastic about the last couple of New Year’s holidays. As the calendar flipped over to 2020, we began to cautiously let out the breath we’d been holding since 2018’s legal issues started. We had a low-key night at home and went to bed early. We didn’t know what 2020 held in store for us, but I’m not sure that knowledge would have changed much. I spent the following New Year’s holiday alone. I tried to be optimistic; I had survived a supremely shitty year, along with the rest of humanity. At the end of the year, I’ve come out of it with all of my loved ones alive and healthy, if not as close as I’d like to be to them.
This year, Shawshank and I reunited for the holiday, which has been awesome. I briefly thought about going outside at midnight and spinning poi. The more sensible part of my brain prevailed and said ABSOLUTELY NOT. We didn’t have plans for last night, but ended up getting dinner at the restaurant. Then we came home and binged an entire season of Museum Mysteries. My prediction for last night’s plans fell through. High and sleepy, we went to bed 15 minutes before midnight.
Today will be another quite holiday at home. The vacuum is running, there’s a Warhammer 40k battle on the TV, and my coffee is about to be refilled. We’re not leaving the house; town is closed, so there’s nowhere to go even if we wanted. We’ll watch TV and paint and do chores.
I’ll skip predictions for 2022. There’s nothing I want more than to celebrate the rest of my new years up here. Goals.
“We’ll watch TV, paint, and do chores.”
Also, bacon.
And eggies.