maybe it’s enough

maybe it’s enough

And just like that, it’s Wednesday. I woke up as Shawshank left for work. Both cats came back into bed for cuddles and pets before I eventually dragged myself into the land of the living.

We drove out to Slightly BiggerTown yesterday. The skies threatened rain, but we didn’t see any until the ride home. Our main stop was the thrift store, but we arrived a few minutes before they opened. We killed time with trips into the grocery and hardware stores to pick up random necessities. Unfortunately, neither of us found anything to tickle our fancies. We grabbed sandwiches for lunch on the way out of town.

I spent half of the afternoon on the floor. Shawshank turned on a movie – “Inception” this time – and I set up on the floor to mat some hair. I prepped another four locs before my wrists decided we weren’t doing that anymore. Once I seal what’s prepped for the iron, I should have enough. The illogical side of my brain doesn’t believe that, and is pushing me to make a few more.

In the end, I’d much rather have too many than too few.

We spent the rest of the evening on the couch. It was a good day. We seem to be winning the battle against the tiny ant incursion. I didn’t play any Just Dance, but nothing new was released as far as I could tell.

Shawshank has morning shifts for the rest of the week. I’m going to get dressed, dance, and try to finish this hair.


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