Maybe I can do stuff.
Random hole in Terra 3

Maybe I can do stuff.

Good morning, it’s Thursday. This is day four of shitty weather, and everything is gray and wet. Sort of like the inside of the terrariums.

Speaking of the jar farm….

I pointed out a trail in Terra 3’s “fog” while on a call with Shawshank the other night. The trail’s creator was nowhere to be seen. I figured it was left from an adventurous drop of condensation sliding down the glass. However, the culprit was discovered sliding around yesterday morning. The snail isn’t that big, so I’m not too worried about it eating everything, but I’ll try to keep an eye on it.

I believe it was in the dirt, as evidenced by the appearance of the hole. It just took some time to get out. At least one snail is living in the apothecary jar, but I think there’s at least one more. I’m pretty sure what looks like shit stuck to the glass (last picture) is actually a very small snail.

In other news…

I didn’t mention this yesterday, but I have an interview with a local dispo today. I’m trying not to be too nervous because it’s phone interview around lunchtime. They’re located in a shopping plaza with – get this – two other dispos I’ve applied to, and the smoke shop I sent the overqualified resume to last week.

Fingers crossed they like me and it works out and I eventually get paid to be leave the house 🤞


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