Good morning, world. I’m up, and to absolutely no surprise, I’ve been up. I couldn’t tell you when I woke up for the first time, as I stuck to my goal of not looking at the clock. Something about it made me think it was quite early. Considering I took a double dose before bed, the fact that I was awake at all had me slightly angry. However, I must have gone back to sleep in some capacity. When I gave in to that all-too-human need to know the time eventually, it was later than I expected. I curled up around Shawshank like a shrimp for the last twenty or so minutes.
Yesterday, I was determined not to spend the day on the couch. Instead, Pippin and I sat on the floor. I spent a bunch of time working on a painting. And since I don’t have a patio table to spread out on, I spread out on the living room floor.

We’re in a warm patch of weather right now. I made a point to go outside and get in some spin time. The temps were above freezing; I don’t know how much above, but it was enough, and everything is melting. I recorded about 20 minutes of spinning.
The little black cat spent the day hovering near the back stoop. It’s not the same cat from Shady Acres. Its coat has a different texture. Plus, I tried to pet it when I went out for some morning smoke, and it didn’t run off, but it didn’t let me pet it. The Shady Acres cat was friendly as shit. However, Backdoor Cat is very social, and stood outside the door, trying to meow at me. It has a very whispery meow, and I’m not sure if it’s the cat’s normal meow, or a more serious I’m wasting away and don’t have the strength in me to produce sounds meow. With yesterday’s warmer temps and no worries about it freezing, I set out a plastic bowl of water, and Backdoor Cat drank everything.
Much of the snow and stuff will melt this week if things warm up enough. I don’t expect we’ll need to worry about Backdoor Cat’s well-being for a few days. Shawshank brought some cheaper cat kibble home yesterday. I still plan to buy a plastic bin while we’re out this weekend. We’ll make a little cat hutch that can stay outside for the worst of the season, give a little first come, first serve shelter.
The sunrise is looking pretty dramatic, and I think it might be a nice day.