Good morning, world, and happy Wednesday. The happiest of humps to you, my friends. The morning looks clear so far. I can see a patch of Subaru orange sunlight beaming on the kitchen wall. Our forecast looks like I can expect it to be nice enough for some outdoor spin time. And while I was up at 4:10am because Chaucer was noisily playing, I didn’t have to crawl under the bed to clean up any puke this morning.
This is a good day.
The cats have reached a new stage in their relationship: throwing hands. Pippin was curled up in Shawshank‘s lap. Chaucer tried to muscle his way into the family cuddle puddle, only to be denied by a solid swat from Pipping. She followed the swat with a little hiss, just enough for him to understand she was serious. Chaucer sat on the floor in shock for the next ten minutes.
All is well between them, however. They declared a truce, and shared the cat shelf and its afternoon sunbeam.

We went off to Slightly BiggerTown yesterday afternoon, and went to their two secondhand shops. We stopped at the cheaper place first. They had been closed when we had gone last week, and I hoped to find my tea kettle at a better price than what I saw it for. They didn’t. However, I found two more onesies and some Florida salt and pepper shakers. We went back to the antique shop and I grabbed my kettle and the sugar dispenser.

On the way out of town, we stopped at Tim Horten’s for some hot cocoa. I bought Shawshank a toque. Now he has a choice between Tim’s or Waffle House toques.
The rest of the day was spent lounging about and watching TV. We’ve got a good system going early in the week: he watches Critical Role on TV and I play something on the Switch when I get bored. Yesterday, I played some Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen while he watched his show. I went outside at sunset, took some pictures, and spun poi in my jammies.
Then Chaucer had to ruin all the good pet feelings overnight by playing with a tiny fabric fish all over the damned house and meowing his fool head off about it.
Shawshank goes back to work today. I’ll have to find something to amuse myself until he comes home at lunchtime.