Cleaning out the upper shelf in the Forgotten Closet, I found a stack of boxed action figures. I know we tried to sell them on eBay a few years back, I guess they never sold.
Welcome Back my Friends to the Show That Never Ends
Cleaning out the upper shelf in the Forgotten Closet, I found a stack of boxed action figures. I know we tried to sell them on eBay a few years back, I guess they never sold.
Greetings, my friends, acquaintances, and even my enemies. I’m an equal opportunity greeter. I don’t withhold my morning greetings from anyone. Except for that one person. Don’t pretend you don’t know who the fuck you are.
It’s another chilly one here. This greatly displeases me, and I don’t know why it should, because it’s not as though I have plans to leave the house. Correction: I need to exit the house to take out the trash and arrange the drain hose for the washer. Those trips will require pants. Either way, I still don’t like the cold weather.
This’ll make moving to Canada really interesting.
If these were normal times, I would go visit Shawshank today, and spend a couple of hours in a tiny glass box talking about random things, like what sort of things I find during The Great Sort, or the plans for the move. Instead, it will be a day of photographs, I think. Because I loaded a few of the found action figures into eBay yesterday afternoon, I’ll probably add the rest later today. There’s a few auctions for ponies that end today. I think I’ll lump whatever doesn’t sell today into the big pony auction I’ll set up. Right now, I simply want everything gone.
Actually, I need to get somewhat dressed today. I’d like to do a workout this afternoon. I don’t have much else to do, right?
Oh, and Happy Mother’s Day to those who do that sort of thing.