

It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means? Nothing, to be honest. We’re up, the sun is out, and so far it looks pretty damned nice outside I’ve been up for a bit, but not a while, if that makes any sense.

I did most of what I planned and wanted to accomplish yesterday. I wanted to finish all the photos of the finished pants. In typical fashion, however, I completely forgot my plan to take indoor pics in the morning. Instead, I cut some fabric. Whoops. There’s been a length of fabric – labeled VERY LONG TABLECLOTH – languishing in the fabric tote for a couple of months. I’ve taken it out of the stockpile at least twice now, fully intending to cut it, but its size was daunting. The label wasn’t lying: it was 12ft long. I’m 92.3% certain I can get at least two pairs out of it all. I also prepped part of another duvet cover and paired it with some bright floral for some contrasting cuffs and waistband.

Shawshank came home at noon, and we rinsed out our three tie dyed projects. His shirt turned out much brighter than the pants I made using the same dye. Disappointing, but understandable, as his shirt was 100% cotton, and my tablecloths were a 50/50 poly/cotton blend. I pinned those pants’ remaining hems and I’ll work on them later.

After lunch, I brought a tripod outside and snapped a bunch of pics of the six finished pairs*.

I absolutely love how the gold/red pair turned out. I need to finish a little bit of stitching on an ankle cuff, but they drape so nicely. The gray with yellow trim is another favorite, I love how voluminous the legs are. As long as I can get pics of them this afternoon or tomorrow, I can return to Friday morning Etsy shop-drops.

Today’s plans are pretty low-key Shawshank is taking lunch early today, and we’re going to a barbeque at the old folks home. The weather looks nice, and the lighting should be good enough to take pics in the living room. Aside from the food and the photos, the day is mine.

* I have two nearly identical pairs of the blue pants, but I’m not taking separate pics of them until I take the indoor pics.


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