Light the corners of my mind

Light the corners of my mind

Good morning and happy Wednesday, my darlings.

It’s been quiet here. We didn’t see any rain yesterday, surprisingly enough. It was beautifully warm outside, with just enough of a breeze to stay slightly comfy. I brought the new poi outside and spun for an hour or so. The verdict is in – fabric poi are fucking sweet. The bright reflector stripes are great. I would absolutely love to get a pair made entirely out of that shit.

Later in the afternoon, I spent a couple of hours outside painting.

I miss painting stuff. I have a total love/hate relationship with watercolors. While I absolutely love the variety of styles you can achieve, I hate the lack of control you have while using them. I’m starting small. They’re hanging on the fridge.

Today is the first vet appointment this week. Chaucer goes today, and Mal will go tomorrow. I hate packing them up in the crates, so they get separate appointments. Thankfully, no one is sick and these appointments are just checkups and shots.

I’m dreading getting them north. I can’t think about it right now, because things piss me off.

Oh well. It’s time to get dressed and human. The coffee is done anyway. Enjoy whatever is left from your day.

1 Comment

  1. John H

    Wow Crystal that is really awesome work. I can’t do squat with watercolors other than make the paper wet and crappy looking.

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