let’s get up and do things that make me human

Good morning, friends. I’m up, and I can tell it’s going to be a day. I first woke up around 3am, and nothing really improved after that. While I didn’t hear the alarm go off, I felt him leave the bed at one point. It might’ve been a super-early trip to the toilet, or it could’ve been time to start the day. Either way, I went back to sleep, imagining him making his way through his bathroom routine with his “Birdbox“-style sleep mask pulled down. I distinctly remember thinking to myself, I bet he forgot to pull the mask off and he’s birdboxing this morning.

We enjoyed a very lazy Monday. Shawshank made us a yummy brunch. He washed the dishes, then ran out to the grocery store for some stuff we forgot last week. I played Just Dance for a bit. I played more “Monster Hunter: Rise“. while Shawshank napped.

Aside from that, the only productive thing I did was untangle my hair. It needed to be done; some of the locs behave like Velcro towards each other. I pulled a lot of stray hairs out of things, and the entire mass felt better almost immediately. Feeling around them like that, it’s easy to tell which locs are from the earliest attempts. The red and white twists I made in the day or two before installation are so much tidier than some of the white and turquoise I made first. It pained me to do it because I hate wasting effort/materials, but I’m actually happy I threw out my first bunch of attempts. I ordered a few bags of hair for the next installation(s): black and a proper hot pink.

Shawshank is working an opening shift today, then closing the next two nights. I expect to play some games, get my flow on if the wind stays calm, and manifest a good sleep.


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