Let’s be ok.

Let’s be ok.

Good morning, world. It’s Sunday. The sun is peeking through the trees, and we’re expecting some gorgeous weather today, as well as potential record-setting temps over the next few days. Of course, those forecasts also include the typical afternoon thunderstorm. But what can you do, really. That’s how fucking weather works.

We did our regular weekly shopping yesterday. I neglected to go into cosmetics, but considering there’s nothing I really need, I’m ok with skipping it. I looked at the girls’ department, but there was nothing interesting there either.

I made a quick stop into the “household storage and organization” shelves. I’m looking for potential new terrariums to move Teensycola and Fern Gully into. Neither of the current jars is tall enough for happy ferns. Ultimately, I’d absolutely love to move them into something tall and narrow, and most importantly, glass. I found a couple on Amazon, but they’re not a priority or anything right now. If I ever find myself in need of an excursion, I can go to Hobby Lobby and find something cheap. Until then, however, they can live in the smaller jars.

Unfortunately, the carnivorous plant terrarium died. The ivy is living, but the rest of it died off. I don’t think it got enough light where it was.

I woke up earlier than I’d have liked this morning. Mom and Brian were arguing about the TV or something. Some channels weren’t working properly. I’m sure I would have caught an earful if I was in the common area at the time. I did my morning thing and steeled myself for pre-coffee tech support. Mom went out for a smoke while her tea brewed. By the time I came out to the kitchen, the channel Mom wanted was working again. I didn’t touch it. They both are fucking impatient and won’t let things load. For a generation that didn’t grow up with instant access to everything, they certainly expect it these days.

This system will be the death of me, or my relationship with my family.

Today is Sunday, which would normally mean that we’d be going to the Compound for dinner. Happily, I’ve got a weekend reprieve. My only tasks today are convincing Brian to fix my fucking toilet and making shrimp burrito bowls for dinner.


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