Good morning, world. We look like the very picture of a happy family on the couch right now. Chaucer is between his two humans, Pippin is on Shawshank‘s lap.
I haven’t talked to my sister this much in years. We’re still trying to deal with my mother, but she’s telling the two of us different things. Mom and I texted a little yesterday morning, with her giving me small updates. She had a colonoscopy, which no one likes, but my mother is particularly bad about. According to what she told me, the doctor told her she has a “strip” in her lower abdomen that looks like a “used freeway” and anything that crosses it causes the pain and irritation. She’s dealing with all the typical gastrointestinal issues that come along with IV antibiotics. Her stomach hurt, she was getting potassium, but when we texted while I was fixing dinner, she was going home after the last IV bag was done.
Was it all true? To her, yes. She wanted to go home. She sent a text that made me think she was waiting for my stepdad. I texted my sister to let her know what Mom said. She texted back a little while later to tell me Mom wasn’t answering, should she call anyone else about picking her up in case he didn’t get the message. Half an hour later, Sis calls back. Mom’s not getting out. She wants to get out, but no, she’s not leaving yet. Sis called a few times and managed to talk to the nurse. She mentioned wanting to get into her patient portal. Since I set up Mom’s email years ago, my email is the recovery address. I told my sister, “I’m not saying I would totally text you the reset code if I got an email, but I’m not not saying it, ya dig?”
Shortly thereafter, Mom “forgot” her password.
Shawshank has today off, so I expect today will be like yesterday, with laundry.