kibbles and bits

kibbles and bits

Good morning, world. It’s Thursday, and the week keeps going.

I had an ok Wednesday, but didn’t feel like all my cylinders were firing. I made several spur-of-the-moment, random bits of 🌶content🌶. One turned out great, one is meh, and the other, not so much. They’ve all been uploaded, scheduled, or posted. I played some Just Dance, ate some lunch, and made a whopping $0.44 on TikTok.

I’m going to make more of an effort today, I swear.

The last couple of days have been nothing but whining on the spicy creator subreddits. Unlike OnlyFans, Fansly has an internal promotion system – their “For You” page (FYP) – that functions similarly to TikTok or Instagram reels. Upload your content, add a preview, and the preview goes to the FYP for anyone browsing. Every day

creators are posting about one of two things:

  1. they don’t get the number of views they think they should be getting, for whatever reason(s)
  2. their FYP views go down if they don’t post multiple times a day

Both complaints are complete and utter bullshit. First, no one is entitled to views simply because they posted their kibbles and bits on the internet. A good portion of them seem to think that if people are viewing them, then they should be subscribing. It’s almost like they think it’s some sort of gotcha moment; I made you look, now you have to subscribe, sorry 🤷. Like most algorithms, your content is pushed out to viewers, and the system functions like any other social media algorithm: more engagement equals more views.* It’s simple.

  • If you don’t post at all, you won’t show up on the FYP.
  • If your content is not what Fansly’s consumers want, you won’t see views outside that initial push.
  • Fansly consumers want video content, and consequently engage more with video previews on the FYP.

I would think the first point would be obvious, but it apparently needs to be said again. One needs to post to be seen. But I don’t have time! these creators bemoan. Fansly is supposed to promote me! I have other promos to do! Fansly did promote you. Your media went out on the FYP. They did their job.

Which brings me to the second point: are you just another creator who thinks they could upload a tiddypic and think that makes them worth $20/month? The market is oversaturated. You can’t expect to lure Gucci customers with K-Mart product. To be very blunt, and as gross as it is for me to even type this, unless you are conventionally attractive, you will need to make more effort to be seen after that first push. Whether that effort is using more effective hashtags, less/no censoring, or video previews, is up to the creator.

Surely, the consumers can’t be skipping over all the photos, can they?

Yes, they fucking are. No one is limited to finding their smut in a wet Hustler stashed in a bush anymore. It’s everywhere. We consume streaming video content nonstop, why would porn be any different?

Here’s a real world example. This is what my top two uploads for the last 30 days look like in terms of engagement.

My most popular FYP upload is a video, and it has nearly four times the views as my most popular photo. Someone literally just followed my page and engaged with four media previews, three of which were videos.

I give them a lot of credit; Fansly’s developers take the time to reply to these creators, which is more than I’d do for some of them. The devs are fantastic about toeing that fine line between what Walgreens would call “excellent customer care” and angry IT help desk. They have no qualms about using ANY of the info they have available to explain why something is the way it is.

“You’re only posting photos, you get low engagement overall, and you haven’t posted anything this week. Post more consistently.”

* This isn’t limited to Fansly. I see the same exact bullshit mindset on the TikTok-specific creator subreddits as well, to an even more entitled degree. It’s not a Fansly problem, or an algorithm problem, it’s a humanity problem.


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