Just leave me in Tamriel

Just leave me in Tamriel

Good morning, world, it’s a new week for us here at The Flat. TinyTown is warm and sunny, and should be for most of the day. I woke up early, in the dark and way too hot. Amazingly enough, I was able to go back to sleep, which almost never happens.

Yesterday was good. Shawshank made us brunch. He started things a little earlier than usual, because we had crafty plans for the afternoon: tie dye. We tossed two pairs of genie pants and a tee into the washer to run through a rinse and spin cycle so they were slightly damp. Pippin graciously allowed us to use her small table-seat for prep. Shawshank held things together while I folded and twisted and applied the rubber bands. We prepped his tee and a pair of pants, applied the colors out on the patio, and then repeated things with the last pants. At the moment, all three garments are in the closet, wrapped in plastic bags, until later today.

Aside from the crafting, we just gamed a bit. Shawshank did some stuff in Tears of The Kingdom, and I completed a bunch of treasure hunts in Witcher 3. Maybe tonight I’ll advance the story a bit. On the other hand, I’m itching to reroll a new toon in Skyrim.

Most of today’s plans center on taking pictures of pants. The weather is nice and sunny, there’s plenty of good light. Once the vacuum finishes running, I’m going to set up the backdrop in the living room for indoor photos. In the afternoon, I’ll take nicer outdoor photos. Shawshank has work in the morning. After lunch, we’ll rinse the dyes out of our projects, and run everything through the wash.


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