just fucking found

just fucking found

Yo. It’s Sunday. The skies are gray and the forecast is calling for rain today. I’m ok with it, as I don’t think we have a lot on our agendas for the day. I passed out last night, but was up a couple of times in the middle of the night with Sick Boy.

Side note: Mom is not impressed with me giving her morning updates on Mal‘s litterbox habits, even if they are an improvement.

I’ll take all the sleep I can get right now. As much as I say “oh, I’ll pop a gummy and sleep on the plane”, I know it won’t happen. Chances are very good I’ll wake up good and early on Wednesday morning, and not really sleep at all during the flight. My flight gets into Regina around midnight, then there’s a 2 and a half hour drive back to the Shawshank‘s flat. He’s promised me chicken nuggets.

I spent a bunch of yesterday afternoon pre-packing my bags. I have most of the Christmas presents in the carry-on bag, with my coat. There’s a 1-pound container of Cajun seasoning in the suitcase. I can’t find my mittens – the mittens I just fucking found in the truck. While I haven’t buzzed my hair in over a month now, I packed my clippers just in case. Shawshank‘s clippers don’t have a guard. Both the suitcase and the carry-on bag are in the hallway. They’re mostly out of the way.

I finished the painting of the Compound the other day. The other gift paintings are finished, including the one I did for Shawshank‘s parents’ house, Shady Acres. I nearly forgot to pack the Shady Acres painting. Once again, I briefly gave some thought to the idea of packing the watercolors. I’ll have enough stuff to paint up there.

1 Comment

  1. We might be able to find some watercolours up here so I wouldn’t worry about packing them. 🙂

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