Good morning, people. It’s Saturday. The sun is shining, it’s comfortable weather. I’ve already done the morning litter box/kibble routine, and I’m enjoying a coffee.
We did the food shopping. I ended up in a checkout line behind a woman who’s cart was filled with a seemingly endless supply of hotdog rolls, chocolate ice cream, and tortillas: $378+. She told the cashier she was hosting a birthday party for a set of 6 year old twins. I felt woefully inadequate with my cart of veggies and yogurt and juice.
I did manage to do a workout in the afternoon. It wasn’t too bad. I need to invest in some bug spray. I’m very good about putting sunscreen on when I know I’ll be outside in the sun. Unfortunately, the mosquitos love the smell of this sweaty and pale chick. I probably could have gone longer, but I was distracted by a neighbors chickens, who came over to the fence.
Cat Update

Surprisingly, the vet called just before dinner with Mal‘s x-ray and test results. Nothing showed up in the x-rays, no blockages or thickening. All of the blood work came back within normal ranges, except his glucose. However, there were a couple of things that were at the upper end of their ranges. Fortunately, the elevated results are all things that could be caused by the stress of the move and the new living quarters. The vet thinks that unless I want to invest in an ultrasound for him, we’re just going to go with stress-related poop troubles. 馃挬
We’re having company over for dinner tonight. I imagine Mal will barricade himself in his safe space under the bed. I made my salad dressings yesterday afternoon. After lunch, I’ll make the pasta salad, and then roast the veggies for the other salad. By the time everyone arrives, mom should have stuffing and chicken in the oven.
Yay for food.