Just Another Muggy Monday

Just Another Muggy Monday

Good morning, 8 people who actually read any of this. It’s just another muggy Monday. There’s supposed to thunder storms today – “unsettled weather” as they just called it. While daytime storms aren’t as awesome as the overnight kind, I’ll take them. Especially on a Monday, which is guaranteed to suck at work. I just want a good storm; we haven’t had a proper thunderstorm in a long time.

Shawshank, on the other hand, sent me videos of some of what he’s seen regularly since his arrival in TinyTown.

I never got a chance to meet up with the potential buyer for the coat yesterday. I’ll message her today and ask what’s up. I’m not too worried about it. It looks like she own a small ice cream shop, according to her profile, and if anyone was going to be overworked this weekend, it’s her.

Instead, I went and picked up some things at the grocery store – twice. The first time I went, they had a few big bins out front, each one filled with boxes of seeds. There wasn’t much info on the boxes, aside from saying it had 80 “seed pods”. Shawshank and I have talked about the probability of growing some of our own food next year, so I snagged one since they were free. It turned out, the pods are actually little kits with a tiny egg-crate type pot, one of those expanding potting soil disks, and a itty-bitty seed packet. He showed a picture of the box and one of the kits to his mom, and 10 minutes later I was back out at the store to buy a cold drink, and grabbed two more boxes of kits on the way out.

I also talked to my mom for a little while. She asked if I planned to have another yard sale. Doubtful, since the first one was so awful. My godparents plan to be in the area this month, and want to stop in for a visit. I told Mom the house looks like a bomb went off. “Oh, they know you’re packing, they’ll understand…” I don’t think you understand, Mom. It’s hairball season. I used up half a roll of paper towels to clean up Mal‘s messes around the house yesterday morning. And that’s just the piles I actually found. Chaucer thinks he’s a supermodel and purges half his meals, regardless of the season.

Oh, and the tiny ants are back as well.

It’s Monday, and I want to crawl back into bed. How about you?


  1. Stephen

    One of the 8!
    We are having our house rewired at the moment. It’s fly season, the workmen are dislodging loads of mice in walls which normally keep to themselves, one of our cats has a thyroid problem and is currently eating on the hour every hour and I’m having to put up with loud comments from the electricians about working in a “rat-infested, fly-infested sithole covered in cat food” 😕

    • crystal

      It’s like a never-ending barrage of grossness. I come downstairs in the morning and need to sweep up ant-covered nuggets of cat food before I can feed them. Then it’s almost always a 50/50 chance my coffee will be interrupted long enough for me to have to chase someone away from throwing up on the carpet.

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