Good morning, world. Happy Wednesday. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the hump is upon us. This morning is cooler than it has been this week. I woke up warm, but chilly, and so I just tried to stay quiet and warm and maybe I’d be able to sleep again. I didn’t sleep, however, I just laid there until 7am.
Compared to this morning, yesterday was warm. I assumed a human form, I assumed a Teletubby form. I did absolutely ridiculous shit on the internet. So…. just a regular Tuesday.

Shawshank came home around lunch time, after handling the deliveries at work. I worked on a pair of pants I started sometime last month, removing the existing waistband and remaking it. The original elastic in the waist wasn’t strong enough to handle the fabric weight, nor was its channel wide enough. I cut the old waistband off – saving the elastic – and made a wider channel for the new elastic. The modifications made them much better in the waist, but shortened their length, as well as lowering the rise in the crotch. Unfortunately, the seam in the center of the crotch is really…. noticeable. “That’s the lover’s knot”, said Shawshank.
No ✋
We ended up making our weekly jaunt to the secondhand shop in the afternoon. I found two sheets that will net me another three pairs of pants. I also found two hand puppets with squeakers in them, and picked up the late 90’s/early 2000’s prom dress that I’d been eyeing for months now. The dress fits adorably, and will probably end up being used on TikTok and in the smut shop.
Shawshank made us a great dinner of chicken Caesar sandwiches with bacon. They were fabulous, and we stuffed ourselves.
Today is cooler. I’m going to wash my hair and do human things, this morning. I’ll take pics of finished pants for Etsy. Shawshank is working a full shift, so I have the day to myself.