Oh hell yes, it’s Friday. The sun is out, but the skies are looking particularly Florida this morning. The cats are doing their things, and I have a coffee, and that’s what counts. I woke up around 4:30am, and then did that on-and-off sleep bullshit for the rest of the morning.
We both had a decent Thursday. Shawshank worked all day, and I did my thing. I ate leftover mac and cheese for lunch, not as much as we ate for dinner. After Shawshank went back to work, I popped my earbuds in and did the dishes. Later, he texted to ask if the mac and cheese had kicked in yet. At that point, I’d been camped on the couch, listening to 70’s prog rock because it tickles my brain in all the right ways sometimes.

I also wore the pants Shawshank‘s mom made for me. I absolutely adore them. They’re short on me if I pull them up to where pants are supposed to go. I don’t pull them up. I wear them low and have zero fucks to give about my “normal” body. I want to make more in all sorts of fabrics. I will live in genie pants.
I fired up TikTok and streamed for a while. The drop crotch style is a little difficult to spin poi in, so I didn’t spin in them for very long. Once again, I got to compare the difference between pants vs. no pants in a live stream. I have a few repeat viewers, but the only one who actually makes any comments is a French guy who comes in and asks “shorts?” I usually grace him with a spin that flips the skirt ruffle. I’ve discovered Temu sells amazing boxer briefs with ridiculous prints. Several came in the mail yesterday, and now I can switch out the plain black look with the prints.
Today will probably be more of the same. Shawshank is printing me a couple of pieces of graph paper so I can map out a pattern for the jacket I want to make. I’m going to do some morning schmoozing, then assume a human form and try to take some pics. Tonight is date night, which is awesome and means I can gorge myself on fries. In between, I’ll manage some spin time.