Heyo, it’s fucking Humpday. Today is World Ocean Day. Take that info and do with it what you will. The local weathertoad predicts the day’s temps will be in triple digits – a terrifying prospect if I were somewhere that gave a shit about Celsius.
I busted through my executive dysfunction and actually did something yesterday. As planned (on Monday), I transferred the two mason jar terrariums into larger containers. I’m terrified they will just completely die. Logically, I know the ferns and ivy will be fine. Both are hardy plants. Personally, I believe the ivy will survive the apocalypse.
Teensycola isn’t as Tiny anymore. My biggest concern is the cleanup crew: the springtails. I deliberately transferred all of the substrate from both jars into each new habitat in hopes that as many critters will make it. I don’t want to transfer anyone from the other jars. If I need to, I’ll order more. When I make lunch today, I’ll add a couple of bread crumbs to the new habitats, and maybe it will lure springtails up to the surface area.

I haven’t calculated the size difference between the two. Nearly double, if I had to guess. I didn’t add any more plants, just a bit more potting soil under what I put in from the existing jars. At the moment, both are on my window sill with their lids off while they dry out a bit. I may put them outside where it’s warmer and they’ll dry out quicker.
I also mailed out Shawshank‘s care package yesterday, dropping Mom off at the PT place first. As usual, I opted to fill the box with extra stuff rather than mail it out when it would be lighter and cheaper. However, there’s a bunch of stuff in there for everyone.
I wasn’t planning to stop at the smoke shop and grab carts, but I’m fucking glad I did. I was passing on my way to the post office and decided to go in, saving me a trip later in the week. One of the regular guys (I think some senior staffer) was in. We’ve built up a little rapport over the last year. He knows I’ve filled out an application, and I almost always will ask if they need help every time I’m in there. I tell him he needs to hire me and he tells me he’s not the boss or he would. He wanted to know if I was still interested. Both he AND his girlfriend gave their notice, and the “kids” on staff aren’t reliable. He took my name and number and said he would pull my app and give both the boss when he came back
It’s a start, and only about 10 minutes away from the house, max, if I hit traffic. I had literally just told some friends yesterday morning about how I stopped actively applying to anything. No one has full-time positions. It’s not worth a 25+ minute drive into downtown, on $5/gallon gas, for a twenty hour workweek and no benefits.
Your terrariums look great! I’m sure they will turn out just fine!