it’s time for more dateline

Hello, Sunday. Sun’s out, sky’s mostly clearing out, and the wind is nowhere near yesterday’s gusts. Might be nice. I’d love to be able to go outside and spin at some point soon. It’s been a while.

We had a typical Saturday. We headed out to Slightly BiggerTown early enough to make the circuit and be home before the afternoon was gone. Our first stop was groceries, because that’s the priority. We followed up with a quick stop in the town pharmacy, then a discount store, before going to the dispo. Normally, we grab lunch to go, but Subway was closed, so we stayed and ate in town.

Neither of us did anything productive for the remainder of the day, and I think we’re ok with that. I mostly messed around on TikTok.

Today will involve the typical laundry, puttering, and brunch. I’ll find clothes and assume a human form, and then try to be a pleasant human.


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