It’s Thursday my dudes.

Good morning, world. TinyTown is gray this morning; yesterday’s wind never let up and rain moved in overnight. I woke up early, just before I could overheat. I adjusted the blankets and edited 🌶content🌶 while Shawshank slept beside me.

Yesterday was pretty typical. Shawshank went to work just after lunchtime. I set up the tripod and light for a bedroom photo shoot, navigating around Pippin who claimed the bed first. She laid there the entire time while I did my thing. I got a bunch of pics and some smoking videos.

I streamed after dinner. It was a slow night, but I’m also not super interesting to watch. Chaucer spent the entire evening on his squishy cube-bed, waking up to yell at Shawshank when he came home from work.

Due to some confusion on my part last night, Shawshank got to experience my typical sleepytime musical accompaniment. I configured my headgear – bonnet and sleep mask – and settled into bed before remembering to load up the playlist. I chose a song, which autoplayed of course, but hit technical difficulties with the headphones. As much as I clicked the controls, the volume wouldn’t lower. As it turned out, I never turned them on in the first place. What I thought was being dispensed directly into my ears was actually blaring in the darkness of the bedroom.

And that’s how Shawshank first heard Snake Pit Poetry.

“C’mon”, I said, “you haven’t even heard the drums yet.”


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