Little yellow flowers. probably weeds.

It’s Thursday. Whoopty fucking doo.

Today, I’m working a late shift. I’d absolutely love to not have to work night shifts, but the situation with night techs at work is completely borked at the moment. A year ago, the original night tech decided working one full time day job was more than enough for him, and getting an extra 16-20 hours a week in the pharmacy wasn’t worth it. We all expected him to leave, he put in his notice, BossRPh hired and trained his replacement, we had a party for him, and we thought that was it. Then, on his last night, BossRPh somehow managed to convince him not to leave, and just cut down on his night shifts, so now he’s getting 9 hours a week and the new night tech gets some hours, and I take one long shift to cover one night every week.

I fucking hate it.

I’ve been dealing with a lot going on lately. Mentally, I’m doing pretty good. We’ve got a couple of months until the next legal thing, giving us a bit of breathing room for the time being. I still have a lot of anxiety over money. He hasn’t been working on the weekends for the last few months, and while things aren’t bad, it’s still almost a paycheck to paycheck living situation. Things are stretched thin; the car goes through a few quarts of power steering fluid every week because we can’t afford to drop the money for an actual fix, and his smokes are about $60/week. We make a list for shopping every week and manage to stick to it pretty well, but things are tight enough that we’re not doing the food blog anymore because dropping an extra $30 for ingredients to make something interesting isn’t in the budget.

Physically, I could probably be better. I feel as though I’ve allowed my workouts to take the back burner to everything else. I still manage to do my regular morning yoga and have actually added harder yoga workouts to the schedule, but the night workouts haven’t been happening as often as I had done them. My eating habits are in the toilet, because I can’t find a good middle ground; I’m either eating terribly or restricting myself and mentally screaming at myself for even considering something like a banana. Probably the best thing happening right now is a streak of really vivid, strange dreams. Two nights ago, there was a dream about making biscuits at work, using prescriptions to separate the raw biscuits so they didn’t stick together before my patients could get them home and bake them. The night before last, my dreams featured the most complicate Keurig machine in existence, but great coffee…

season 1 episode 3 GIF by Twin Peaks on Showtime

… and early episodes of Wheel of Fortune, where the contestants won money to “spend” on themed items after each round. Last night, I was dreaming about getting my busted wisdom tooth removed at a double-date dental appointment with my sister, and I made him promise not to record us in our post-op drug haze.

I’m so, so looking forward to this weekend. I have to work, but it’s only a couple of hours. He’s decided he’s going to do a longish workout with me, and it’s supposed to be beautiful weather, which will give us some time to go for a walk and play in the yard.


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