Good morning, world. We have a wet Wednesday here in the panhandle. This weather is a continuation of yesterday’s bullshit. We were under a tornado warning for most of Tuesday. Supposedly, things will be better today. Today has been classified as a WEATHER ALERT DAY. We’ll be fine, that’s not nearly as dire as the RESPECT THE POLYGON days.
Chaucer is performing his latest opera in the kitchen. I’ve decided he’s a theater kid stuck in the body of a cat. The nonstop dramatics, constant singing, the signs are all there.

Yesterday was busy.
After nearly a year of working with a pain clinic, experimenting with different meds with no results, Mom finally had an appointment with a neurologist. The pain clinic couldn’t figure out what was causing her pain. They were talking about the possibility of back surgery to either release or completely block a nerve. The neurologist looked at her scans, talked to her for 15 minutes about where her pain is, moved her around on the exam table. He declared the pain clinic completely wrong. Mom left with referrals for more tests.
I had my Round 2, in-person interview with a dispo. I think it went ok. The universe saw fit to send me on my way with hype music: I hit shuffle on a playlist and Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” was the first song, so that was good. I left vaguely hopeful. At one point, one of the people interviewing me grabbed a post-it and stuck it on whatever paperwork he had on me. I don’t know how many people I’m competing with. They only had one other person in yesterday because I saw their name on the sign-in sheet. I won’t know anything until early next week, they’ve got interviews happening all week. I’ll describe my feelings as “vaguely hopeful”.
Unfortunately, I don’t know what happened later on. I was having a good night, happily showing off a springtail colony to Shawshank via the microscope cam. We had a good video chat (without the colony joining us). A little while after our call, I popped the earbuds in and loaded up some music to go to bed. I ended up with a random, unprovoked panic attack and crying for no reason. Then my headphones died.