interview attempt complete

interview attempt complete

Welcome to Monday, where I once again wonder just what in the everloving fuck I’m doing with my life. I slept through my alarm, which isn’t cool at all. However, my phone was under a pillow and I didn’t hear anything. Shit happens. I woke up, I move on. Today is sunny and clear, and I’m sure I’ll be able to go outside for a little while. The humidity is starting to kick into gear. I had to use my inhaler this morning. I’m sure it will be a nice day to hang out in the yard.

I think my interview went well. I felt really good during the call- so good, in fact, that I texted Shawshank to tell him so during the call. She thanked me for rescheduling things. Corporate dropped a surprise sale and they were busy on Thursday, and she had to reschedule a handful of interview calls. The call was supposed to be only 20 minutes, and instead went for around 40 minutes. I came prepared with questions, mostly revolving around whether or not I could even be hired because I don’t have my medical card and can’t purchase any of what I’m actually selling.

Both interviewers have asked me why I want to move into the cannabis industry. Yesterday, I seized on something the interviewer said at one point earlier in the call to make my point: she called the people who come into the dispo as patients, not customers. When I started in pharmacy in 2006, we helped patients. On the contrary, when I left in 2021, they were customers. One only needs to check out what employees are coming out to say on social media to see how bad it really is. Retail pharmacy is a hellmouth that grinds down its employees and only cares about their bottom line. I want to work in a place where that focus is on patient care. I understand that a company needs to turn a profit, since that’s how a god damned business works. Unfortunately, corporate pharmacy is doing everything it can to turn a profit at the expense of patient care and employee sanity.

Once again, I’m trying to remain optimistic. I’d like to think I fucking nailed it, because that’s how I felt for most of the call. The interviewer said she hopes to call a few people on Wednesday to schedule face to face interviews.

I haven’t heard anything from the company I had the virtual interview with last Sunday. In a way, I guess it’s a good thing. I keep thinking about what sort of time I’d have working for a manager who can’t even apologize for ghosting an applicant.

Oh well. Let’s hope I make the cut. In the meantime, here’s me spinning poi to an absolute banger of a classic.


had another job interview today, trying to be cautiously hopeful. #SeeHerGreatness #poi #ledpoi #flowarts #poispinning

♬ Dragostea din tei – O-Zone

1 Comment

  1. Good luck on the green industry, I agree that calling people in your care “customers” is totally the wrong way of assessing them!

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